No. To lose weight permanently you need to create a lifestyle you love and one you can maintain. This is where restrictive diets fail. You'll learn what foods are easier for your body to digest and how to optimize your metabolism given your fluctuating hormones but my whole philosophy is around creating a life you love. Including the food you eat.
2. Will I have to stop socializing? Eating out etc?
No. I will provide guidance and some strategies you can use when eating out but losing weight permanently for women 40+ is all about getting to the root cause of your weight loss struggle and designing a lifestyle that works for you. If you love socializing we'll definiitely design a weight loss plan around that. Life is for living!
3. Will I need to prepare separate meals for my family?
No. Unlike restrictive diets or plans where you need to count calories, my program is designed to simplify and streamline your meal planning. You'll be able to cook food that the whole family enjoys.
4. What happens at the end of 18 weeks?
At the end of 18 weeks, you will continue to have access to the “Reboot & Rejuvenate” program online membership area including all of the training material. However, you will no longer have access to the Group Support Coaching Calls, the members only private Facebook Group or any remaining one on one accountability calls.
I do this to light a fire underneath your bum to put you into action, so you maximize your time in the program and take advantage of the immense resources available to you.
The goal of the program is simple: transform your life so that you are living each day with a sense of clarity, wellbeing both emotionally and physically, a track that serves you, gives you the ability to let go/surrender to that which no longer serves you.
5. What's included in the program?
Unlimited membership to the online training. My proprietary system for learning how to design and create your best Life.
⭐️ Unlock your WHY. Understanding “WHY” and using the power of manifestation to keep you on track. Let’s find your North Star that acts as a compass for your journey through life.
⭐️ Find Your Life Balance. Create a foundation that is streamlined and tailored to You.
Set of daily practices that melt away stress, keep you grounded & balanced as you navigate your busy life.
⭐️ Optimize Your Health. Remove the obstacles to optimal health and yo-yoing weight. Find the root cause(s) and address each one to increase energy, vitality, resiliency, longevity and easily lose weight for good.
⭐️ Understand YOU. Understand yourself at a deeper level. We’ll use the ancient art & science of Ayurveda to unlock your path to deeper wellbeing so you can move forward making the best choices for YOU each day. You’ll learn what foods, exercise, and meditations are best for you so that you can make the best choices for you each day. You’ll feel more in flow, full of energy and so much happier.
The program contains:
⭐️ Video lessons to teach you philosophy and science. Why? Because when you understand why you are doing something you make connections neurologically in the brain. This connects the physical action with the mental emotional.
⭐️ Yoga classes specifically designed to promote balance and mindfulness
⭐️ Mindset exercises to work through and eliminate all limiting beliefs & end self sabotage for good
⭐️ Food assessment to uncover any food intolerances & provide a tailored nutrition plan
⭐️ Dosha quizzes to uncover your primary constitution and your current constitution and determine if there are any imbalances that need to be address
⭐️ Meditation videos- practice awareness, mindfulness, grounding, and manifesting
⭐️ Pranayama videos- to melt the stress away, optimize digestion & improve sleep
⭐️ Video lessons with the Naturopathic & Chiropractic doctors experts in holistic wellness
⭐️ My signature Mind & Body Cleanse that ignites your metabolism allowing you to lose the weight easily and keep it off
6. What time will the group coaching calls be?
This will depend on who signs up and what time zones everyone is in. I’ll organize a schedule that works for everyone even if that means setting up more than one group coaching group session a week. The coaching will be via Zoom.
7. I'm busy. How many hours will this take each week?
I hear you. At this stage of our lives we have a lot of balls to juggle! The weekly online classes are around 30 mins and the group coaching calls are typically an hour in length. So it's not a huge commitment out of your week. Most clients report increased energy levels and the feeling of being able to take on the world. So signing up to this program you'll actually be gaining energy and you'll find your 'to do' list easier and quicker to tackle.
8. I'm stressed and overwhelmed right now. Is this a good time for me to start?
Did you know that the hardest times emotionally are the BEST times to take control of your health and weight? I know that sounds crazy, but let me explain. Here's why that is and how to do it.
Listen, I know there's probably a lot of stress going on right now for you.
Having to take care of your sick or ageing parents or your kids or grandkids.
Stress at work. Stress with your health. You’re not alone. This is literally the case for most of the women over 40 that I talk to. But the truth is, you CAN take control of your health and weight during these times. It doesn't have to be hard, take a lot of time, or take a lot of effort.
One of my clients is working two jobs, has her daughter and granddaughter living with her, was already in another coaching program for a career change she is planning to make all before signing up to work with me.
Within the first few weeks she released 5lbs, is able to handle and manage stressful situations so that they don’t impact her significantly, feels calmer more grounded and has more energy to do everything she has in her busy schedule.
Life happens and there'll always be reasons to put off starting something.
When life is getting on top of you, it's actually the perfect time to start taking care of yourself. Take care of your health and release the weight so that you can show up energized, calmer, and clearer - ready to tackle everything that life is throwing at you.
9. How would this program help me if I'm already working with a doctor to improve my health and address my weight?
Many clients come to me already working with a medical professional, in fact I highly encourage all my clients to work with a medical professional so that they can keep track of their progress. My program will transform & improve your health and it's good practice to monitor your health labs so that any medications you take are adjusted properly or many times removed all together as you'll no longer need them.
My strengths lie in helping you determine all the root causes (body, mind, & spirit) of your weight struggle and put together a tailored plan that will enable you to lose weight easily and naturally & keep it off for good.
Through my journey I found that most doctors only address the body. And unfortunately most MD's only use a bandaid approach through prescriptions, supplements. This doesn't address all the root causes of why you're struggling to lose weight.
Do you see holistic doctors such as naturopaths and chiropractors?
Great, I highly encourage my clients to work with these doctors to address health issues.
Many of my clients see these doctors and since my program is based on the modalities that these doctors use, it is completely complementary. I've spent over 14 years working with naturopathic & chiropractic doctors learning and working with many natural modalities. From my experience I've honed in on what really works best for women 40+. In fact the holistic doctors I've worked with and learned from recommend me to their clients. Why? Because they know the value I provide and why it's important to have a coach help you overcome what holds you back and help you keep going.
10. When do we start?
We are currently enrolling. The online self study can be done at your own pace with the weekly group calls providing support and guidance through each phase and lesson. You schedule your four 1:1 coaching calls when it's right for you!
11. Is Reboot & Rejuvenate Program eligible for FSA/HSA?
YES, Reboot & Rejuvenate is FSA/HSA eligible!
FSA and HSA are both savings accounts where you can set aside pre-taxed dollars from your paycheck and put those funds towards qualified medical expenses! FSA accounts are an employer-owned benefit, while an HSA is individually owned. Both these accounts can help make health care costs more managable AND tax-free!
12. Sounds fabulous Karen, how do I sign up?
You don’t have to send me any money now.
In fact, you won’t see a button to buy anything on this page.
There're two reasons for that.
⭐️ I’m sure you have a few questions you want answered before you enroll. Which I completely understand and will gladly answer
⭐️ I also have some questions for you too… I only work with ladies who I know for certain I can help get results. Although my program is powerful, you need to be ready to make a transformation.
So, I need to make sure you and I will work well together and that you’re the type of person who can and will follow through on the strategies and resources I share with you.
In other words – I need to know with certainty that I can get you the results I’m promising.
Fair enough?
So, here’s all you have to do now.
Click the button below and schedule your breakthrough call.